
A link to the Desjardins website. Here, you can find contact information for Desjardin group benefits and log in to view coverage information for your plan.

Sun Life

A link to the Sun Life website. Here, you can find contact information for Sun Life group benefits and log in to view coverage information for your plan.

Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA)

The CLHIA is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization that represents 99% of Canada’s life and health insurance companies. CLHIA’s member companies, through a wide range of products and services, help Canadians to protect themselves and their families against the financial risks surrounding premature death, illness and retirement. These products include individual and group life insurance, supplementary health insurance and individual and group annuities (including RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs and Defined Contribution pension plans).

Fraud Awareness

The Fraud = Fraud Program was created to educate Canadians about health and dental benefits fraud and its real consequences. It is sponsored by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association with the support of its member companies. On this website you can find information about what benefits fraud is and what you can do to fight benefits fraud.